新聞來源: http://edition.cnn.com/2011/10/14/world/asia/thailand-flooding-scene/index.html
今日單字: Fear [n.] = 害怕、恐懼
(一) 今日新聞導讀
1. Monsoonal rains have flooded Thailand's plains and now the bursting river threatens to drown Bangkok.
2. In Bangkok and other deluged cities and towns, the strong carried the feeble on their backs. The young aided the old.
3. It was hard to imagine that last year, Red Shirts battled Yellow Shirts in deadly political street protests that prompted a state of emergency in Thailand and left a nation deeply divided.
4. The water was not raging. There weren't torrents. It just kept inching upward. Slowly, but surely.
5. The military helped evacuate them, whisking them away by boat or carrying them through chest-high water.
(二) 延伸討論
Have you been caught in a flood before ?
Luckily, I haven't been in a serious flood before.
But, during the typhoon season, flooding and mudslides are common in many parts of our country.
So, here is a website that teaches you how to survive a flood...