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新聞來源: http://www.cnn.com/2011/09/27/health/transgender-kids/index.html?npt=NP1 今日單字: Transgender [n.] = 跨性別、跨性別者 首先,要在這裡感謝大家對我們的支持。 在這一年多以來,受到粉絲們的很多幫忙及照顧。 為了要讓我們的網站更多元化,所以我們的團隊不斷的在求新求變。 每週的專欄篇也將加入新的寫法。 從今天起將會有些文章帶入導讀的部分,擷取新聞中的片段來跟著大家一起「看」新聞。 希望新的變化能提供給大家更多、更好的學習方法及資源。 還請粉絲們多多捧場 謝謝 !! ________________________________________ (一) 今日新聞導讀 (1) The 3-year-old had learned sign language because he had apraxia, a speech impediment that hindered his ability to talk. The toddler pointed to himself and signed, "I am a girl." 這三歲的孩子因為患有失用症,一種影響他說話能力的言語障礙,而去學了手語。幼童指著自己比出了「我是女生」。 (2) When children insist that their gender doesn't match their body, it can trigger a confusing, painful odyssey for the family. 當孩子們堅持自己的性別與身體不同時,可能會使家人經歷一段混亂、痛苦且漫長的探索過程。 (3) Gender identity often gets confused with sexual orientation. 人們常把性別認同與性傾向弄混。 (4) These children are not intersex -- they do no have a physical disorder or malformation of their sexual organs. 這些孩子們並非陰陽人。他們並沒有任何的身體疾患,也沒有異常的性器官. (5) When they're forced to conform, some children spiral into depression, behavioral problems and even suicidal thoughts. 當被強迫要身心一致時,有些小朋友會陷入憂鬱或出現行為問題,甚至出現自殺的想法。 (6) Girls who feel more like boys take hormone-suppressing medications so they will not develop breasts and start menstruating. 覺得自己是男生的女孩們可以吃抑制荷爾蒙的藥物,這樣就不會發育乳房或來月事。 (7) No one knows whether a child's gender dysphoria will continue forever or if it istemporary. 沒有人知道兒童的性別焦慮症是永久的或短暫的。 (二) 延伸討論 Quiz Time: What does the word " transman" mean ?? If you know the answer, please tell us below........ 菁英教育|上海托福培训|上海雅思培训|遊學|托福|多益|雅思|全民英檢|TOEFL|TOEIC|IELTS|GEPT|SAT|上海SAT培训|上海SSAT培训|日本打工度假|日語補習班
- Oct 24 Mon 2011 19:31
桃園看CNN學英文│Transgender kids: Painful quest to be who they are / 跨性別孩童: 堅持自我的艱難挑戰