Why Should We Learn English?
1. English is one of the most widely spoken languages.
English is not the most widely spoken language (that title goes to Chinese), but it does come in third, after Spanish.And while 335 million native speakers isn't too shabby, double that number and you'll get the amount of people who speak English as a second or foreign language.
2. English is based on an alphabet and, compared to Chinese; it can be learned fairly quickly.
English has simple alphabet, easy plurals, and short words.
On the other hand, words are easy to learn and don’t change.
3. International business requires English.
English is the dominant business language and it has become almost a necessity for people to speak English if they are to enter a global workforce, research from all over the world shows that cross-border business communication is most often conducted in English.
dominant (a.) 占優勢的,支配的
cross-border 跨越國界的
4. English gives you access to some of the world’s best universities.
English is widely regarded as the language of higher education. Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard and MIT are just a few of the famous universities that occupy the lofty heights of the top of the world education league tables, and you'll need to speak English fluently for access to any of these, as they're all English-speaking.
be widely regarded as... 廣泛的被視為...
higher education 高等教育
eague tables 排行榜
5. English allows you to get more from popular culture.
Many of the world's top films, and music are published and produced in English. Therefore by learning English you will have access to a great wealth of entertainment and will be able to have a greater cultural understanding.
6. English gives you wider access to knowledge.
55% of the world's webpages are written in English. Knowledge of English therefore allows you to tap into far more of the world's intellectual resources. Within the Science Citation Index, compiled by the Institute for Scientific Information, an estimated 95% of articles are written in English despite only around half being from English-speaking countries.
How to Learn English Well?
1. Listen to English radio or podcasts.
One of the best ways to improve your English listening comprehension is to download English-language podcasts or radio apps on your phone or MP3 player.
2. Watch English movies and TV shows.
Another fun way to improve your listening comprehension is to watch English movies and TV shows.
3. Read an English book, newspaper or magazine.
Reading is an essential part of learning a new language, so don't forget to practice!
4. Keep a diary in English.
Aside from reading and listening comprehension, you should also spend some time working on your written English.
1. 是大學甄選入學的敲門磚
TOEIC OK News 日前針對考生做的「參加多益測驗動機調查」結果顯示,今年即將升上高三的受訪者中,有 69% 的人考多益是為了取得大學甄選時的加分證明,有 61% 是英語學習評量。另外也有 64%的高三生受訪者預計明年將透過大學甄選入學或科技校院申請、推甄的方式,進入大專院校;76%的高中生為了甄選入學,會特別準備取得多益高分證照。因此,多益證照已逐漸成為高中生必備的證照之一。
除此之外,有78%的受訪者知道,許多大學系所有英檢成績畢業門檻;也有31%的受訪者知道,許多大學系所只要 TOEIC 成績達750分以上,就可免修大一英文。雖然目前並非所有大學都有此項規定,但不可否認,此項學校政策讓英文已有一定優勢的學生,在大一新生時即能預先規劃好學英文之外的其它計畫,為大學生活做更好的安排。
2. 成功提升國際職場競爭力
在金融海嘯仍舊餘波盪漾的現在,多數人認為大陸年輕人將是未來最大的職場對手,如要能夠在國際職場上具競爭力,與世界各國的人共事,13%受訪者認為英語能力要達 TOEIC 900分(含)以上;35%認為要達TOEIC 850分(含)以上;28%認為要達 TOEIC 750分(含)以上。另外,有31%的受訪高三學生參加多益測驗是為將來求職預做準備,可見現在的高中生眼光長遠,會預先儲備未來進入職場的實力。
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