*stationery (n.) 文具
ex. If you step across to the shop, you will be able to buy the stationery you need.
(如果你到附近那家商店去一下, 就能買到你需要的文具。)
→易混淆字:stationary (a.) 靜止的;不變的;穩定的
ex. The rate of inflation has been stationary for several months.
1.pencil 鉛筆
2.mechanical pencil(美式)自動鉛筆
3.propelling pencil(英式)自動鉛筆
ex. I found that people in the US use pencil more often than mechanical pencil.
4.ballpoint 原子筆;圓珠筆
ex. We aren't allowed to write in ballpoint at school.
5.highlighter 螢光筆
6.marker 麥克筆
7.white board marker 白板筆
8.fountain pen 鋼筆
→補:fountain (n.) 泉水
ex. You are a fountain of ideas.
9.crayon 蠟筆
10.colored pencil 色鉛筆
→補:rub (v.)摩擦
3.white-out 立可白
4.correction tape 立可帶
1.ruler 直尺
2.compass/dividers 圓規
→補:compass (n.) 羅盤;指南針;圓規
3.protractor 量角器
4.set square/triangle 三角板
ex. You can draw a right angle easily with a set square.
1.tape 膠帶;錄音帶
2.tape dispenser 膠台
3.glue 膠水
4.glue stick 口紅膠
ex. I prefer using glue stick to glue; glue makes everything wet and sticky.
5.stapler 釘書機
6.staples 釘書針
7.pushpin 圖釘
ex. We used some pushpins to hold the poster onto the wall.
9.drawing pin(英式)圖釘(頂端為圓扁形的那種)
10.clip 迴紋針
→補:a paper/hair/tie clip
1.scissors 剪刀
2.box cutter 美工刀
3.pencil sharpener 削鉛筆器
4.lead / pencil lead 筆芯
ex. His classmates began to write, but the lead inside his mechanical pencil kept broken.
5.Post-it 便利貼
→補:post-it 其實是商標,但因為廣為使用,久而久之就用商標來稱作物品的名字。
→補:根據 Post-it®官網資料,便利貼是由一名3M的化學工程師名叫Art Fry發明的,工作之餘也是教會唱詩班的一員。他習慣在歌本內夾紙片標示預定獻唱的詩歌,可是紙片卻常常掉落讓他白費工夫。
1974 年的某個星期天,他一如往常地獻唱詩歌,一個靈感突然閃過:
(Post-it®台灣,2011)於是Art Fry根據這個構想開始著手研發有黏性的便條紙,將他的創意落實。