McDonald's 一向深植人心的品牌標語 I'm lovin' it 即將被取代
呼出明年最新口號 Lovin' Beats Hatin' 迎接新氣象
It sounds like they're not 'lovin' it' as much as they used to.
The world's biggest fast food chain has unveiled a new slogan in an attempt to stop its sales from sinking.
'Lovin Beats Hatin' will be launched next year, and is a campaign aimed to spread happiness in the face of Internet hate.
全球規模最大的速食連鎖店──麥當勞,似乎不再像它的廣告標語「I'm lovin' it」那般受人喜愛了。因應全球銷售額的大幅下滑,麥當勞內部高層決定使用全新的品牌口號「Lovin' Beats Hatin'」就在明年,麥當勞將正式啟用Lovin' Beats Hatin',一個旨在散播快樂、減少現代網路仇恨的活動。
According to the Wall Street Journal, the roll-out will include a spot during Super Bowl XLIX on February 1. The marketing ploy comes at a time when worldwide sales dropped by 30 per cent in the third quarter of last year. The current catchphrase 'I'm Lovin' It' will still remain as a global slogan.
An inside source said the change is aimed 'to spread happiness in the face of Internet hate,' but the WSJ did not elaborate on what that precisely means.
根據《華爾街日報》報導,麥當勞將在2015/2/1全美收視率最高的超級盃橄欖球賽中正式曝光全新口號。此項新計畫於去年第三季全球銷售額下滑30%而萌生,業績慘淡。而I'm Lovin' It仍是全球性的廣告標語。
Ploy (n.) 計謀;計畫
The boss tried many ploys to get customers into the store.
Catchphrase (n.) 標語;警句
Officially, the company is staying mum about the possibility.
'We're always working with our partners on great new creative,' said a spokesperson. 'It's highly speculative and premature to talk about Super Bowl ads and future campaigns for next year.'
After posting yet another disappointing quarter, McDonald's CEO Don Thompson admitted last week that the company hasn't been keeping up with the times and that changes are in store for its US restaurants.
面對又一個慘淡季度的打擊,麥當勞執行長Don Thompson坦承,麥當勞這些年來確實沒有跟緊美國速食業的腳步前進。
Mum (n.) 沉默 / (adj.) 沉默的
對於新口號標語「Lovin' Beats Hatin'」你喜歡嗎?
速食英文 Fast Food English⇩⇩⇩
Hamburger / Burger | 漢堡 |
French Fries | 薯條 |
Fried Chicken | 炸雞 |
Chicken Nuggets | 雞塊 |
Hash Browns | 薯餅 |
Onion Rings | 洋蔥圈 |
Ketchup / Catchup | 蕃茄醬 |
Apple Pie | 蘋果派 |
Sundae | 聖代 |
Ice Cream Cone | 蛋捲冰淇淋 |
Milk Shake | 奶昔 |
延伸閱讀:揭穿品牌口號的謊言,超中肯Honest Slogans告訴你真相!