Source: drinkaware.co.uk. Calories and alcohol content may vary.
The calorie content is certainly an issue - a glass of wine contains a similar number of calories to a slice of sponge cake and a pint of cider the same as a sugared donut. But too much drink can age you in other ways.
*sponge ( n. ) 海綿
*pint ( n. ) 品脫
*cider ( n. ) 蘋果汁 ; 蘋果酒
Your skin 皮膚
Alcohol dehydrates the skin and takes away nutrients, making it dull and tired. It also dilates the facial blood vessels, making it more likely you'll end up with spidery red thread veins.
*dehydrate ( v. ) 使乾燥
*dilate ( v. ) 擴張
*vessel ( n. ) 血管
*vein ( n. ) 靜脈 ; 血管
Your hair 頭髮
Not being properly hydrated can also affect your hair - regular drinking can leave it dry and brittle. If you drink too much it can even deplete iron levels and can cause hair loss.
*brittle ( adj. ) 易損壞的
*deplete ( v. ) 使減少
Lack of (beauty) sleep 不充足的睡眠
Drinks before bedtime can damage your natural sleep cycles and mean you need to get up during the night to go to the toilet. It can all leave you tired the next day.
Nails 指甲
Good nails depend on a good intake of nutrients and water. If your nails are brittle it could be a sign you are drinking too much.
Your weight 體重
Alcohol is of course packed with calories that contain no nutritional value. To make matters worse, alcohol lacks essential nutrients and can lower blood sugar levels making you feel hungry and more likely to overeat.
*pack with 塞滿 ; 裝滿
參考資料: http://www.bbc.co.uk/guides/zgfvvcw