

1333589686.jpg  菁英桃園校推薦大家利用每週專欄,由老師帶領您經由BBC六分鐘新聞,熟悉原汁原味英式腔調!







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(一)  重點單字


1.  Research  =  研究、調查


2.  Income  =  收入、收益、所得


3.  Funding  =  資金


4.  Gross domestic product  ( GDP )  =  國內生產總值


5.  Investment  =  投資、投資額


6.  Institutions  =  機構、公共團體、公共團體的建築物


7.  Anglophone  =  講英語的、以英語為母語的


8.  Ranking  =  排序、順序、等級


9.  Reputation  =  名譽、名聲



(二)  聽力填空題


1.  These include its quality of _______________, the _______________ of its research and the income it gets for research.


2.  He says the US puts _______________ the amount of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) into its universities than we do in the UK.


3.  So he says the US invests _______________ in universities than the UK so they have more of them on this list.


4.  I choose my university because it _______________ the _______________ I wanted to do.


5.  So it seems reputation does actually _______________.



(三)  聽力問答題


1.  How many British universities are on the list ??


2.  Which two countries in Africa have universities on the list ??


3.  When Kaz went to university, in what subject did Sussex University have a good reputation  ??



(四)  討論題


Most of the time, people cannot choose the schools that they go to. 


If you could choose to go to any university in the world, which one would you choose ??


I had always wanted to go to the University of British Columbia in Canada.

It's just beautiful.

Learn more about it on Wikipedia.......



How about you ??

Tell us your pick by commenting below~~~






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** We are not in any way affiliated with BBC. **





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