
新聞來源:  http://us.cnn.com/2012/02/14/travel/solo-travel-benefits/index.html?hpt=tr_t3


今日單字:  Joy  [n.]  =   樂事樂趣




畢竟....愛情或許就在轉角,慢慢的散步去,好好欣賞沿途的風景吧 !!



 (一) 今日新聞導讀


There is no itinerary  /  不受旅行計畫的限制

"You aren't dragged places you don't want to go, and you don't feel like you're dragging people places either," Waugh said.

沃說: 「你不會被拖去你不想去的地方,也不用覺得你在強迫別人到處去。」



You meet more people traveling solo  /  獨自旅行能遇到更多的人

You're also more likely to meet locals with your attention turned outward instead of on a familiar traveling partner.




You discover new confidence  /  你能獲得新的自信

Waugh still misses her husband, but she has discovered she's stronger and more capable than she ever imagined through navigating and discovering the world alone.




It's more exciting  /  旅行更刺激了

Adventures in India are far more exciting than Valentine's Day, her companion told her.

她的同伴告訴她: 去印度冒險比情人節還更令人興奮。



You're laying the groundwork for lasting connections  /  你在為往後的關係打基礎

Waugh said she's been on dates during her travels but found no lasting romances yet.




(二) 延伸討論


Have you ever traveled to another country alone ?


I have to admit that I haven't.

I've always been with friends or family.


I guess it's something that I should try one day.

But....since I'm married, I want to share fun experiences with my life partner.


What about you ??

Tell us where you've been by yourself......





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